2025 Conference


Megan Metzger

Megan Metzger is a certified business consultant and educator with a Master’s Degree in Leadership and Organizational Development and certifications in business consulting and transformational leadership. She founded Preferred ChildCare, a leading nanny agency in North Carolina for over 23 years, and Megan Metzger Consulting, where she helps agency owners achieve financial independence.
Megan has served as President of the International Nanny Association Board of Directors and was a founding member of the North Carolina Board of Entrepreneurship. A mother of four and a business instructor at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Megan is passionate about empowering entrepreneurs, families, and caregivers to thrive.



The Real Reason You Are Not Getting Clients 

You can’t be known for everything, so you NEED to stand for something that will make your agency UNIQUE to your potential clients and families.

How can you market your business as UNIQUE, while speaking to their needs, and not go on and on about your agency?

Now bear with me as I use a dating analogy to explain what I’m talking about…

Imagine an online dating profile that talks about who they are, but not who or what they’re looking for?

Worse yet, imagine a first date where the other person talks about their greatest accomplishments like a resume, and doesn’t ask you any questions nor shows any interest in your life?!?!


A few shifts in your marketing will have an incredible impact on your sales.

What are these key shifts? We will share with you the REAL REASON you are not getting clients and how to create a Unique Selling Proposition that ensures your Target Market Clients choose to work with you in this interactive workshop.


The 5 Ways- The Simple Equation To Grow Your Business



Often, once we move past the startup phase and are running a successful business, we neglect to measure or improve the processes that got us there. We assume that growth will continue automatically and sometimes fail to follow up with applicants or inquiries from potential families, leaving placements and profits on the table.

Join us for an interactive webinar where we will explore The Five Ways to maximize your profits and impact in your community. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn the simple equation that will ensure sustained growth and success.