2024 Conference


Stefanie Hudgins

Stefanie Picture

Stefanie Hudgins is a parent coach, newborn and infant specialist, lactation counselor, public speaker and owner of the highly successful Private Service Coaching program. Her background spans a wide range and depth of knowledge in the fields of childcare and child development. She holds numerous credentials and qualifications, including INA credentialed Nanny and Newborn Care Specialist; further she is certified through CACHE and Advanced certified through the Newborn Care Specialist Association, and she is a Master Newborn Care Specialist through Newborn Care Solutions. Overall, she has more than 40 years of experience as a caregiver for infants and children. Additionally, she is a Certified Lactation Consultant, Certified Holistic Sleep Coach, certified Montessori practitioner, and she holds an endorsement in Infant Mental Health as an Infant Family Associate. She is a member of the NCSA Board of Directors and serves as chair of their Continuing Education Committee. As the mother of two boys, she also brings her deep familiarity with the parent side of the child development experience.

The NCS Market – Time for a Reality Check

Join members of the NCSA to talk about the current market for Newborn Care Specialists. What is the demand for this type of care? What do current pay rates look like? What part does geography, experience, certifications and training play in getting jobs and the rate the NCS is paid. What about 24/7 or just daytime work? This session is particularly suited for the nannies considering transitioning to NCS, new NCS and any NCS struggling to make a living in today’s market.

Meet your 2024 INA Conference Speakers!

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Keynote Speaker

Speaker introduction

Jennifer Farlow

Charlotte Terrell

Cindy Wilkinson

Rachael Lubin

Denise Collins

Tiffany French

Tamara Gardner

Kenda Horst

Sheryl Cooksley

Celina Barnett

Takita Tunstall

Lydia Gray-Holifield

Aakash Goel

Jessica Rector

Sarah Washburn

Angela Johnson

Candi Vajana

Julietta Skoog

Debbie Saroufim

Leigh Roberson

Christa Nader

Briana Murphy

April Mitsch

Stacey McCormack

Tiffany Martinson

Kristin Mangan

Henry Lin

Ryan Jordan

Candice Howe

Dianne Cassidy

Yshai Boussi

Kimberly Bepler

Jam (Robyn) Anderson

Jackie Allison

Ingrid Anderson

Stefanie Hudgins

Patty Ross

Michelle Mintz