2024 Conference


Debbie Saroufim

Debbie Saroufim picture

Debbie Saroufim is a Body Acceptance Coach. Debbie was introduced to the idea of “good” and “bad” bodies by her mother, who struggled with an eating disorder, and by her tweens, Debbie had also developed one. After years of recovery and boundless personal growth, Debbie now works with women, teens, and tweens to help them make peace with their body, and build up their immunity to diet culture. Her newly published book, Fat and Beautiful: A book about why you can be both, is changing the way people speak to their children (and themselves!) about their bodies.

Nanny Neutrality: How to Stop the Cycle of Body Trauma in Our Youth

If you’ve ever said to a child “Eat your veggies so you can grow big and strong!”, this session is for you. Debbie Saroufim, a Body Acceptance Coach, is going to challenge us to think about how our choice of words about food impacts inner dialogue about bodies. She’ll also share how to identify body bias, actionable tools that can be used when we find ourselves or our kiddos triggered by body talk, and a game plan for moving forward into more peaceful mealtimes.


Meet your 2024 INA Conference Speakers!

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Keynote Speaker

Speaker introduction

Jennifer Farlow

Charlotte Terrell

Cindy Wilkinson

Rachael Lubin

Denise Collins

Tiffany French

Tamara Gardner

Kenda Horst

Sheryl Cooksley

Celina Barnett

Takita Tunstall

Lydia Gray-Holifield

Aakash Goel

Jessica Rector

Sarah Washburn

Angela Johnson

Candi Vajana

Julietta Skoog

Debbie Saroufim

Leigh Roberson

Christa Nader

Briana Murphy

April Mitsch

Stacey McCormack

Tiffany Martinson

Kristin Mangan

Henry Lin

Ryan Jordan

Candice Howe

Dianne Cassidy

Yshai Boussi

Kimberly Bepler

Jam (Robyn) Anderson

Jackie Allison

Ingrid Anderson

Stefanie Hudgins

Patty Ross

Michelle Mintz